The reform of the certification system of the organic sector between changes and expectations
On 09.09.2013, during the sana exhibition, a conference on the development of the organic certification system took place in Bologna, Italy. The conference was organized by FederBio (Organic Federation for Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture).
The certification system guarantees the market and the credibility of organic production for consumers. At the European level both the reform of Regulation 834/07 and of Reg 882/04 on official controls are in progress. Meanwhile, also the accreditation system has become more effective at European level and in Italy it has consolidated its role by the recent approval of rev. 03 of RT n. 16. At the same time, it is important that the control and certification system further develops a clear vision of reform that also borrows best practices from other European countries. On the eve of key changes for the certification system FederBio intends to compare experiences and points of view of all the actors of the system that will help to shape the future of the certification of organic products at European and national level.
"La situazione del sistema di certificazione in Italia"
Presentation of FederBio
"Good Practices – The AFI-perspective"
Presentation of Jochen Neuendorff, GfRS, AFI