International online seminar:
"Residue testing in organic production: Investigations after detection of phosphonic acid and its salts"
The Seminar took place on 13 October 2020 and was jointly organized by the „Anti-Fraud-Initiative“ (AFI), the European Organic Certifiers Council (EOCC) and IFOAM EU. The Seminar was sponsored by the Alliance of Organic Integrity.
Detections of fosetyl-Al (sum) in organic products have increased over the last years and are currently the main problem in OFIS cases. The majority of such cases concern perennial crops and processed products of perennial crops (e.g. wine, processed fruit products of red fruits, mangos, avocados, …). Therefore, the detection of phosphonic acid was the subject of this online event where practitioners, associations, certification bodies and scientists shared their experiences and conclusions. Program of the webinar
Phosphonic acid in organic products: The way forward
After the seminar a proposal was made by the AFI Group for the handling of positive analytical results of phosphonic acid: AFI-Proposal: phosphonic-acid in organic products (decision matrix modified on 22/02/2021)
General information about Phosphoric Acid
OPTA-Strategy-Paper on Phosponic Acid:
BioSuisse Statement on Phosphonic Acid:
AOEL information about residues of phosphonate and fosetyl-aluminium in organic foodÖL-InfoPhosphonat_22012021_en.pdf
Presentations in detail
Create a level playing field for all participants
What is special about residues of phosphonic acid?
Bernhard Speiser, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL
Phosphonic acid (and its salts) in soil and food products: overview of known sources
Tom Nizet, authent
Case studies of investigations
Typical case from operator perspective
Jalhuca Explotaciones, S.L.
Typical case from certifier perspective
Investigations to ensure organic integrity: baseline requirements, options and limits
Options and limits of the “official” investigation by authorities and certifiers
Draft version 1.0. EOCC factsheet on phosphonic acid
Juan Carlos Pérez Montero. EOCC Board member