Anti Fraud Initiative - Workshop in Italy
On 10.09.2012, the Italian Organic Sector discussed the origins and possible consequences out of the considerable fraud case "Cats in Boots" at SANA organic fair.
Customs police (Guardia di Finanza) and Federbio explained the "making of" this fraud case, very informative. After that the MIPAAF (ministry), regional authorities, the accreditation body, inspection bodies and producer assocations discussed how to better prevent such cases in the future.
Il caso della frode "Gatto con gli Stivali": come è stato possibile aggirare il sistema di controllo
Daniele Fichera, Federbio
Presentation in Italian
(The case of fraud "Puss in Boots": how it was possible to circumvent the control system)
Le criticità del sistema di controllo in agricoltura biologica
Giacomo Mocciaro, Ufficio Agricoltura Biologica, Ministero Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali
Presentation in Italian
(A critical review on the organic control sytem)
Better safe than sorry, Reasons for international fraud cases - results of the Anti Fraud Initiative
Jochen Neuendorff, AFI, GfRS
Presentation in English
Etica della responsabilità, Tutti sapevano, molti si lamentano, nessuno denuncia, le carte sono in ordine
Paolo Carnemolla, Presidente di FederBio
Presentation in Italian
(Ethic of responsibility, all knew, many complain, no one cares, the cards are in order)